Planning and Finance

h Bold Climate Action, Africa Can Unlock Green, Inclusive Economic Growth.

With bold climate action, Africa can unlock green, inclusive economic growth.

With the G20 leaders’ summit in Argentina and COP24 in Katowice, Poland approaching, the final weeks of 2018 have the potential to be critical to the global fight against climate change. Whether leaders at these events will be bold enough to push for more ambitious national climate action will play a huge part in determining

With bold climate action, Africa can unlock green, inclusive economic growth. Read More »

Pourquoi les Africains doivent payer plus d’impôts

Pour Carlos Lopes, l’imposition fiscale est un contrat social entre les citoyens et le gouvernement. Cela nécessite que les citoyens ordinaires bénéficient des dépenses publiques Souvent, le débat sur la corruption en Afrique tend à se concentrer sur les coupables habituels, qu’il s’agisse des entreprises étrangères – telles que les sociétés minières – ou des

Pourquoi les Africains doivent payer plus d’impôts Read More »

For Africa, the G20 Hamburg Summit is a door stopper, not a bookend

The news emerging from Hamburg were dominated by the narrative of the emerging 19 +1 on issues such as climate change or trade protectionism. Yvanka Trump replacing her father in the US seat was a particularly juicy bit, with few realizing that happened when the leaders were discussing Africa. Street protests and the 9th Beethoven

For Africa, the G20 Hamburg Summit is a door stopper, not a bookend Read More »

G20 and Africa: The Merkel plan, so far from the Marshall plan

The G20 was established in the aftermath of the 2008-9 financial crisis, as a more robust response to address the challenges of economic global governance. Those challenges having not diminished since it is understandable the group kept its intentions alive and introduced more structure to what was, at the beginning, a rather undefined setting. The

G20 and Africa: The Merkel plan, so far from the Marshall plan Read More »

Book Review of: “Innovation Africa: Emerging Hubs of Excellence”

At a time when Africa has bold aspirations, through Agenda 2063, to confront large scale challenges like the ascendant demographic curve, green industrialization and domestic resource mobilization, it is imperative that innovation be inclusive in order to facilitate the creation of decent jobs, generate investments, and contribute to the continent’s structural transformation. As a late

Book Review of: “Innovation Africa: Emerging Hubs of Excellence” Read More »

Intégration régionale et unions monétaires en Afrique

Avec plus de 30 millions de kilomètres carrésde terres émergées, l’Afrique est aussi grande que l’Inde, la Chine, les États-Unis et la plus grande partie de l’Europe réunis. Faussée par la projection de Mercator, la superficie qu’on lui donne généralement est plus petite que dans la réalité, presque à l’instar d’autres attributs du continent. Lorsqu’on se

Intégration régionale et unions monétaires en Afrique Read More »