FT Africa Summit
Event Organiser: Africa Summit
Date: October 18, 2022
We are delighted that you have kindly agreed to participate as a speaker in this year’s FT Africa Summit, which will be held in-person on 17-18 October 2022 at Claridge’s in London. The event will commence on the evening of 17 October with a welcome reception and a dinner for speakers. The main plenary day is 18 October, which will conclude in the evening with a dinner for all attendees.
This email is designed to assist you and your team when preparing for your session and includes important information about the event. If anything needs further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me, Diana Whittington or Eduardo Gomes (in cc).
Claridge’s Hotel, Brook Street, London, W1K 4HR
+44 20 7629 8860 www.claridges.co.uk
For nearby accommodation, please visit the link here
Your session – The New Investment Landscape
I confirm that you have kindly agreed to speak in the above panel, which will take place on 18 October at 09.30 GMT+1/BST and will conclude at 10.10 GMT+1/BST. We have moved this session half an hour earlier than originally stated- we hope you may be able to accommodate this change.
Stephen Bush, Columnist & Associate Editor, Financial Times, will moderate your panel and is cc’d in this email. Stephen will be in touch with you directly prior to the event to discuss the content of this session. If you have particular topics or questions you would like to have raised during this session, please do share them with your moderator. Details of the other speakers joining your panel can be found on the attached agenda.
The session will be a discussion debate, so there is no requirement for a formal presentation or slides. Your moderator will open by introducing each panellist before leading the discussion. Time will be allowed for questions from the audience at the end of the session from our in-person and digital audiences.
Speaker release
I would be grateful if you could kindly complete the speaker release form click here. This will enable you to attend the Summit but also provides us with important information relating to your attendance.
Please also use this form to confirm whether you will be attending the Speaker’s Dinner on the 17 October and the Summit Dinner on the 18 October.
Registration will begin at 8:00 GMT+1/ BST on 18 June at Claridge’s. Please aim to arrive at this time and make your way to the registration desk to collect your badge. (If you are not arriving at this time, please let us know when you plan to arrive).
The Summit will start at 8:55 GMT+1/ BST with the Chair’s opening remarks. The Summit will conclude at 18:00.
Filming & Photography
Please note that this event will be live streamed to our digital audience.
The recording will be available to view online after the event on live.ft.com and on other FT or third party platforms, whether free-to-view or pay-to-view. By participating in this event, you agree that we can use recorded footage in this way. We will also be taking photos at the event and photos will be available on our Flickr page after the event.
Social Media
Please can all promotions across social platforms include the hashtag #FTAfrica and then tag the following handles below:
Instagram: @FinancialTimesLive
LinkedIn: FT Live (Showcase Page)
Twitter: @FTLive
Please also join the event on LinkedIn using this link
If you are interested in further promoting your participation on our social channels, please email my colleague Fenella Rhodes (cc’ed in this email) who will be overseeing the social media coverage for the event.
Please also find attached a social media banner that you or your communications team may wish to use to promote your participation in the event
The Summit will have very tight security. Therefore, we kindly ask all attendees to wear their badges at all times.
Dress Code
Diana, Eduardo and I will be your main contacts on the day. You can reach me on +44 (0) 20 7873 4769 Diana on +44 (0)7793 697842 and Eduardo on +44 (0)7510 049801. Chris Doneley (in cc) will be your contact for any logistical queries and can be reached by phone on +44 (0)7808 731 099.
We are so grateful to you for your very kind support and very much look forward to welcoming you at the Summit.