Africa Europe Relationship

Africa has a historic opportunity to change its relationship with Europe

After 40 years of stagnant policies with meagre returns in terms of job creation and economic growth, it is time Africa shifts gears. The absolute hero of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde and a leading historical Pan-African figure, Amílcar Cabral, was named by his father after the Carthaginian General Hamilcar Barca, the one that in 241

Africa has a historic opportunity to change its relationship with Europe Read More »

For Africa, the G20 Hamburg Summit is a door stopper, not a bookend

The news emerging from Hamburg were dominated by the narrative of the emerging 19 +1 on issues such as climate change or trade protectionism. Yvanka Trump replacing her father in the US seat was a particularly juicy bit, with few realizing that happened when the leaders were discussing Africa. Street protests and the 9th Beethoven

For Africa, the G20 Hamburg Summit is a door stopper, not a bookend Read More »

G20 and Africa: The Merkel plan, so far from the Marshall plan

The G20 was established in the aftermath of the 2008-9 financial crisis, as a more robust response to address the challenges of economic global governance. Those challenges having not diminished since it is understandable the group kept its intentions alive and introduced more structure to what was, at the beginning, a rather undefined setting. The

G20 and Africa: The Merkel plan, so far from the Marshall plan Read More »

Les défis du multilatéralisme

L’ordre international a connu une mutation qualitative au cours des deux dernière décennies. Un nouveau discours s’est d’ailleurs hissé au devant de la théorie des relations internationales. Il met l’accent sur un environnement mondial en évolution rapide et se caractérise par la confluence toujours plus grande de défis d’envergure planétaire. Ces défis, qu’il s’agisse de

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The challenges of multilateralism

Over the past two decades, the international order has undergone a qualitative change. As a matter of fact, a new discourse has gained prominence in the international relations theory that emphasizes a rapidly changing global environment characterized by an ever-growing confluence of world- scale challenges. The challenges that range from widespread poverty and undernourishment, financial

The challenges of multilateralism Read More »