October 2013


How can African countries capitalize on the current geopolitical changes?

This year Africa celebrates fifty years since the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU); never before has the continent been so poised to reap the benefit of its enormous resources. Sweeping political and economic changes over half a century have reformed global power structures, reconfigured international relations and led to serious rethinking of […]

How can African countries capitalize on the current geopolitical changes? Read More »

africa mineral mining

Africa must benefit from its mineral resources

Africa’s political economy is deeply ingrained with its history of the exploitation and (mis)management of its mineral and natural resources. More than 500 years after commercial exploitation of Africa’s resources, Africa continues to host many of the large and unexploited deposits of minerals globally. For example, Africa accounts for three-quarters of the world’s platinum supply,

Africa must benefit from its mineral resources Read More »