May 2020

Can a virus accelerate change in Africa

Confinements, lockdowns, social distancing, masks, and protective equipment have all become part of the new vocabulary used in Africa. This may be no different from other parts of the world. But the implications of COVID-19 can be far-reaching for the continent with some of the lowest human development indicators in the globe. African countries have been […]

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Comment une reprise post-Covid-19 pourrait conduire à une Afrique plus résiliente

Il est impossible de le contourner: la crise du Covid-19 frappera particulièrement les Africains. Même si le taux d’infection reste faible, la dévastation socio-économique se fait déjà sentir. L’accès à l’eau potable et aux services de santé de base reste un défi sur tout le continent, ce qui rend les mesures de confinement prises par

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How a Covid-19 recovery could lead to a more resilient Africa

There is no getting around it: the Covid-19 crisis will hit Africa’s people particularly hard. Even if the infection rate remains low, the socioeconomic devastation is already being felt. Access to clean water supply and basic health services remain a challenge throughout the continent, making the containment measures taken by most countries all the more challenging. Beyond

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Thandika Mkandawire

Thandika Mkandawire: a tree for African intellectuals to lean and consult

Professor Thandika Mkandawire, the Malawian economist, passed away in late March. Influential African intellectuals, as well as his many admirers and academics the world over, are still distilling the disappearance of one of the most prolific and creative minds they have ever come across. The disheartening news hit me while under confinement in Cape Town,

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